Source Code

scoutzknivez king

One who surpasses all in the Counter-Strike custom map, scoutzknivez.

kwAlity killed MG | Skyerus with scout

Kenneth: scoutzknivez king
Julian (kwAlity): yep

by Kenneth B. April 6, 2005

4👍 11👎

the monster

Made up by Kevin Balolong, who used the "para" in Counter-Strike but called it the monster. He uses the monster while running, which makes his recoil worse but scares people.

Kevin: THE MONSTER! *sprays with parap*
Julian: LOL IRL
Kenneth: LOLOL

by Kenneth B. April 6, 2005

6👍 19👎

lol irl

Abbreviation for "Laughing Out Loud In Real Life." It is used over the internet to express that you aren't just laughing on the internet, but in real life as well.

Kenneth: I failed my Spanish test today.
Julian: lol irl

by Kenneth B. April 6, 2005

109👍 42👎