Source Code


When there’s something you can’t describe, call it “gurcucher”

That’s uuuuuuuh… how do I describe this? Gurcucher.

by Kermitthefrog55 March 15, 2023

In danger


You’re in danger. Start running.

by Kermitthefrog55 January 13, 2023

4👍 1👎


To express great amounts of confusion, so much in fact, that no other word can describe it, no sentence, nothing, just this gibberish word.

“You get it?”

by Kermitthefrog55 June 18, 2023

discombobulated dickhead

A goal keeper that won’t stay in the fucking goal and blames it on other people.

Why do you keep leaving the goal like a discombobulated dickhead?

by Kermitthefrog55 August 3, 2022

14👍 1👎


An individual that is both wholesome and extremely muscular, being the perfect mix of mass and kindness.

Strive to be both wholesome and swole, be SWOLESOME!

by Kermitthefrog55 May 15, 2023


It has the same meaning as masturbate, but used for in code because it’s awkward to was you jacked off in public.

“He tends to… well… I don’t wanna say it but…. He tends to mascropinate…

by Kermitthefrog55 January 9, 2023


An idiotic or simple minded person. Similar to plonker.

“You’re such a pillsworth!”

by Kermitthefrog55 August 3, 2022