Source Code


A person who is in their second year of high school or college. Most of the time, this term refers to the high school sophomores. It's the most important year academically, even more-so than freshman year. Most sophomores have matured a bit since freshman year. Many of them of generally good people. However, there are idiots that think they are the best thing since sliced bread because of the fact that they are sophomores. They buy into this idea and start picking on freshman. There are also people that haven't matured one bit since freshman year and still act as retarded, sex-obsessed, and jock-like as ever. Some sophomores actually get along with freshman. Seniors and juniors don't really care much about sophomores. There are a few who are actually friends with sophomores, however.

Sophomore 1: Hey, it's a freshman, let's go beat up his ass.

Sophomore 2: You can go right ahead. I'm staying right here.

*Sophomore 1 goes to a freshman and holds him up. A dean sees this and brings him to his office.*

by King of Inland October 8, 2007

209πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž



difficult to comprehend

Heinrich: I find this algebraic equation very abstruse...

Jiminy: Very funny Heinrich. Our teacher went through that type of equation this whole week!

by King of Inland December 29, 2007

17πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

New York City

New York City is actually five small counties(boroughs) in the southern part of New York state. Two of the counties are on western Long Island(Queens and Brooklyn); two counties are islands(Manhattan and Staten Island); and one county is on the southern tip of the state(Bronx). New York City is one of the financial capitals of the Western Hemisphere and has many attractions for tourists. Most of these attractions are in Manhattan. However, there are some good places to visit in the other four boroughs.

New York is a great place to visit and has some great restaurants. Be prepared, though. Many things in Manhattan are very expensive. If you want a good, cheap restaurant, I recommend going to one of the other boroughs(specifically Queens). The cultural diversity of New York makes way for many restaurants with cuisines from many countries.

Some good attractions in the city include Bronx Zoo, the Coney Island aquarium, Museum of Natural History, Intrepid Museum, and Statue of Libterty. For sports fans, there is also Shea Stadium in Queens, Yankee Stadium in Bronx, Giants Stadium and Prudential Center in nearby New Jersey, Madison Square Garden in Manhattan, and Nassau Veterans Memorial Colloseum in Nassau county(east of Queens).

Despite all this, New York City does have its problems. Inflation is causing the prices of good to go up even more. Not to mention, gentrification and other things are causing housing to go up. Ever since 9/11, it's been getting worse and worse to live in the city. Even in the less expensive outer boroughs. On top of this, some of the residents are arrogant morons who like to talk about how great the city is. Some parts of the city are also areas you want to stay away from(Harlem, certain parts of Brooklyn, Queens, and Bronx).

*Tourists from another city.*

1st tourist: New York City has been a great place to visit the last four days. The Statue of Liberty looks splendid from here. We should go see it.

2nd tourist: Sure, then we can go to Shea Stadium later and watch those Mets get whipped by the Braves! The Braves shall rise again!

1st tourist: Ok...

by King of Inland June 7, 2007

27πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž

GameFAQs moderator

One of the most corrupt, hated, and incompetent people on the message boards and on the Internet. They sometimes mark and even ban users for the most ludicrous of things; and commonly bend the rules(i.e. adding something to a ToS rule), to suit their needs. It's usually no use contesting a moderation, as you'll probably receive some asinine reply saying that you're somehow wrong in your explanation.

Sensible poster: The stereotype of black men always going to jail is retarded.

*Poster is placed on warned status for supposedly breaking the offensive material rule.*

Before I continue, let me show the offensive material section of the ToS here.

Offensive Material-Users may not transmit or encourage others to transmit material or links to material considered patently offensive in nature. This includes, but is not limited to using vulgar, profane, or sexually explicit language; using race, religion, sexual orientation, culture, ethnicity, handicap, nationality, or gender as a means of insult; using threatening, harassing, defamatory, hate-speech, or libelous language; and posting, requesting, or otherwise sharing material considered pornographic, obscene, graphic, or hate speech.

Let's continue...

Contest: This is in no way offensive to anyone or anything. Using the word "retarded" is not against the rules if it doesn't fit that category.

Corrupt GameFAQs moderator: Using "retarded" to negatively describe anyone or anything (including anyone within or outside of GameFAQs, inanimate objects, or even something intangible) in any way, shape, or form is considered a severe ToS violation.

If you haven't noticed, the moderator here added the "intangible" crap to the rule; something that wasn't there. Anyone with a brain knows that a stereotype is not an object. You've seen the corruption for yourself.

by King of Inland May 31, 2008

187πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž



most typical example of something

John was the stereotypical quintessence of a nerd with his suspenders, goofy glasses, and freckles.

by King of Inland December 29, 2007

27πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

GameFAQs-Sports and Racing-NHL

A horrible place where there are biased morons who love to bash certain hockey teams(especially Buffalo). The so-called "vets" of this board, love to flame people for no real reason and think they are superior to the other posters. This board is also infested with bandwagoners, moronic fanboys, and multiple other people. Only a few of the posters are actually intelligent. If you want to post here, go right ahead. But do so at your own risk!

Board: GameFAQs-Sports and Racing-NHL

Topic name: Rangers in 4, Rangers in 5

BoU: that's what at least 70% of theh people on this board said before the series, followed by some crap that made them feel better about not picking the Sabres.

Don't let Sabres H8 cut through your logic next time, videogame NHL message boarders.

kaze60: Yeah, it's real hard to tell why people don't like Sabre fans.

BoU: Why hate me when you can hate the team? That is my point.

You people base your hockey knowledge on the fans that support the team. Keep proving me right.

kaze60: I could care less about you or Buffalo, but it's just the way this board works. Why it does really doesn't matter, just accept it and stop being so emo about it.

by King of Inland April 28, 2007

17πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž



to feign injury or illness in order to avoid one's occupational work

Henry: Where is Joe today? I can't believe I'm stuck covering one of his classes.

Eric: He's probably malingering...

by King of Inland August 24, 2008

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž