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Oversized Capri-Sun

The pouch of wine in boxed wine. Commonly found at your local supermarket and used by middle age women after the divorce. Also used by collage girls after a break-up.

Guy1: I found the reminisce of an oversized Capri-Sun next to my passed out ex
Guy2: what will you drink now
Guy1: I don’t know I could give water a try

by Knee gears April 7, 2019

Oversized Capri-Sun

The pouch of wine in boxed wine. Commonly found at your local supermarket and used by middle age women after the divorce. Also used by collage girls after a break-up.

Guy: I found the reminisce of an oversized Capri-Sun next to my passed out ex
Guy2: what will you drink now
Guy1: I don’t know I could give water a try

by Knee gears April 7, 2019


The most stereo-typically mafia name

boss-where’s my money

Tony: give me a few more days boss
Boss: you have 8 hours or I’ll break your legs Tony

by Knee gears April 7, 2019