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Reeces Feces

The act of taking a dump then forming the poop in a way that makes the poop look like a recees peanut butter cup.

"Man, i cant believe i just fed Adrian a reeces feces peanut butter cup."

by Koch Master June 21, 2009

37👍 6👎

The Grumpy Saddle

The which entitles clicking your ankle and or cankle to the back of your leg nonstop while playing Paddy-Cake with a friend. (A very hard dance to perfect.)

"Make room on the dance floor!" "That couple is about to do the grumpy saddle!

by Koch Master June 22, 2009

28👍 14👎

French Noodler

When a french man walks up to you and grabs a fistful of noodles and shoves them in your face with great force.

"Christian was walking down the street and a crazy frenchman jumped out of the shrubbery and attacked his face with a fistful of noodles!"

This Maneuver is known as the French Noodler

by Koch Master June 21, 2009

33👍 7👎

Peanut Butter And Jelly Sandwich

"The Act of a woman taking a dump while on her period wearing a tampon"

"Honey!" "i just made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich between my legs!"

by Koch Master June 21, 2009

49👍 46👎

Butt Tucket

When you accidentally take a dump then squeeze your butt cheeks to stop the flow.

"Man, Im so happy that i pulled a butt tucket maneuver so, my pants wouldn't fill up with feces!"

by Koch Master June 21, 2009

29👍 3👎

Ass Cat

A very large cat. Usually domesticated and is mostly angry.

"Woah Matt, Watch out for that ass cat sitting on the couch, it can attack you!"

by Koch Master June 19, 2009

54👍 14👎

Shit Jerky

The process of putting your shit in a food dehydrator and making beef jerkey out of your shit.

"Wow Mike, i really want to buy some beef jerky but it costs $5.95 a bag so i will make shit jerky out of the beef jerky i ate last night".

by Koch Master June 21, 2009

33👍 10👎