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an amalgamation of Beyonce, the lyrics "I slay" from her song Formation, and the urban meaning of the word 'slay' to denote an amazing achievement or success; originally coined by the BeyHive as a celebratory title for Beyonce and her success. Slayonce is another term of the same derivative.

She came to BeyonSLAY that Formation performance. Yaaas!

by Kray Zaay October 13, 2016

2👍 2👎

booty stank

1. a colloquialism expressing disdain for the excessively rude, disrespectful, or less than attractive personality traits of an otherwise physically attractive or desirable person.

> Oh, girl! He is fine. I should go give him my number.
> Don't even waste your time, cus his booty stank. He'll hit it and quit it, and ghost you with the quickness. Then have the audacity to call you thirsty for trying to follow up with his sorry ass.

> Ugh! Ain't nobody got time for that!

by Kray Zaay August 2, 2017

3👍 6👎



boldly rude or disrespectful behavior motivated by excessive pride, self-confidence, or an undeserved sense of entitlement; characteristic of a stereotypical prerogative of white Americans (Caucasians), usually at the expense, inconvenience, or detriment of others, particularly non-white people.

She had the caucacity to use my grandmother's recipe for tortillas in her restaurant without permission to boost her sales and then proceeded to block me from messaging her on social media.

by Kray Zaay August 2, 2017

89👍 80👎


(verb) to be finished with, fed up, or incapacitated with thought or emotion about a particular person or situation.
(exclamation) to display strong distaste, disdain or disagreement.

"So, my ex called today because he wants me to stop and have a drink. I was like 'DUHN!!'"

by Kray Zaay May 17, 2013

9👍 4👎