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deadmonton is a term used to describe the city Edmonton located in Canada. It is a combination of 'dead' and 'edmonton' and is commonly used by a younger generation to describe how boring the city is and just how little there is to do.

There's nothing to do around here..
It's deadmonton...

Man I can't find any places to take good photos!
It's deadmonton...

by L.W. Definitions June 9, 2018

23👍 9👎


Mudda: A slang of the word "mother" that may be used as an adjective or adverb typically without adding context but rather emphasize on the following word or sentence.

The slang was first coined and popularized through YouTuber Joe Jo(His real name is not publicly shared). Originating from an old JustKiddingFilms/JKfilms comedy sketch, the word "mudda" was pronounced in an asian accent. Today, it has evolved to a casual slang one may use to highlight the topic of a particular sentence.

Though the exact origins of the word are unclear, it's popularization happened through Joe Jo. He is most notably the co-creator and owner of JustKiddingFilms a comedy YouTube channel as well as JustKiddingNews (one of the many branches of the JustKiddingFilms). Joe also runs his own Vlog channel sharing his life and continuing to popularize the word "mudda". To him, he isn't popularizing the word, he is just being himself!

That's the mudda crazy!
How in the mudda hell did this happen?
This food is so mudda good.

by L.W. Definitions November 20, 2017

1👍 1👎