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at the eleventh hour

At the last moment possible

"She always turned her term papers in at the eleventh hour."

by LIsa llLUI March 22, 2017

a cinch

1 - A thing done with ease
2 - A certainty to happen

1 - "Getting reelected would be a cinch for him."
2 - "it's a cinch he'll break the record"

by LIsa llLUI March 22, 2017

2👍 1👎

before long

Very soon

"I will be there before long"

by LIsa llLUI March 22, 2017

every other

person or thing every second or alternate person or thing.

" The magician turned every other card over. Every other table had an ashtray on it."

by LIsa llLUI March 22, 2017

as easy as pie

To be very easy

"Oh, come on! Even a child could do that, it's as easy as pie. "

by LIsa llLUI March 22, 2017