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A fun and creative person that is PERFECT, guys if you know a Tess make your move. Tesses are amazing story tellers and feel that they always need to share their personal lives. She comes off stupid and unaware of EVERYTHING and always just passes tests by a few points. But in reality most are just a character and are actually very smart. Did I mention that their AMAZING in bed like AMAZING. She's not a slut but will do what ever you want her to... Whenever you want... She's a little strange when you first meet her but if you give her a second chance everybody loves a Tess so don't judge her. Shes nice to everybody but don't get on her bad side for its hard to get off. their beautiful but like to hide it by not brushing their hair and wear little makeup. Lol jk as I said their just a character and lots of them have had many tragic events happen to them and are often suisidal and have issues. All in all tesses are really hot girls with crazy and loud personalitys but don't forget that she's a Total SLUT lol but get to know a Tess and she will find trust in you, just a tip :)

Tess- potatoes are cool

by Lamps are blue November 10, 2013

26👍 18👎