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A place you keep several nice or classic cars; ie. jaguar, mustang, thunderbird, impala, cobra, viper, spider, stingray

"Wanna see the zoo?
You don't even need a pass
The wildlife in my garage
How can you not see the jag?"

by Larry Hustle December 15, 2008

16👍 27👎


having huge rims so it looks like your car is being towed

26 inches of chrome got me sittin so towed
See me in the driver's seat lookin so throwed

by Larry Hustle December 15, 2008

7👍 7👎


a contraction of the negation of any word

EJ- "Yo you home from college yet?"
Me- "Na I wain't finish all my finals yet

Example 2:
EJ- "How good do you think this song is?"
Me- "I like it a lot but it wain't the best, I like that other one more"

by Larry Hustle December 15, 2008

8👍 3👎


synonymous for fresh, fly, or clean, used to describe clothes or cars

Lookin so scrub from head to toe
Sittin on dubz thats 24s

by Larry Hustle December 15, 2008

4👍 18👎

Lookin Like Money

To have style, stay fly, walk with swag, but not necessarily be rich

"That dude lookin like money in those new air forces"

by Larry Hustle December 15, 2008


a pronoun; can be used in place of any non-proper noun

"They got inside the 5 yard line but then that dude fumbled the drank."

Example 2:
"What cluster do you live in?"
- "I just live in one of them one-room dranks"

by Larry Hustle December 15, 2008

3👍 37👎