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market terrorist

A market terrorist is a dirty, low-down scoundrel who tries to manipulate the stock market for their own selfish gain. They spread false information and try to cause chaos in the market just to make a quick buck at the expense of other investors. These guys are the worst of the worst, and if you see one coming, you'd better run for the hills. Don't let a market terrorist ruin your day, and always stay one step ahead of these slimy characters.

After the market terrorist released fake information about the company's financial performance, the stock price plummeted and many investors lost a significant amount of money.

by Lavi Tozlov December 14, 2022

market terrorist

A market terrorist is a term used to describe an individual or group who intentionally tries to manipulate the stock market for their own gain by spreading false or misleading information, or by taking other actions that are designed to create fear or uncertainty among investors. This could include things like hacking into stock trading systems, issuing fake press releases, or using other tactics to manipulate stock prices. Market terrorists often operate with the aim of causing significant financial losses for other investors, in order to benefit from the resulting market chaos.

Yo, Citadel is a fucking market terrorist

by Lavi Tozlov December 14, 2022