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the worst kind of brat XD XD


a sausage

garet is such a bratworst

by Lazav (shapeshifter) November 3, 2019

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The Thing That Should Not Be

An extremely great song in the Metallica album "Master of Puppets" written by James Hetfeild and Lars Ulrich before Metallica's downfall in 1990.

The name "The Thing That Should Not Be" Refers to H. P. Lovecraft's mythical "Great Old Ones" , Dagon and Cthulhu, who in ancient times were worshiped as gods. They were imprisoned under the ocean, and all their lands sunk down into an endless void. When the stars are aligned in the right place, them and their dead cities rise out of the sea and the humans who behold them then are permanently insane.

by Lazav (shapeshifter) November 15, 2019

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A bratty kid with blue eyes and blonde hair who has a sneering complexion. He acts like he's 6 years older than you. You sometimes call him garet the carrot. He plays baseball and calls you "kid".

me: hi garet. i didn' know you played baseball here.
garet: didn't you know anything, kid. get out of here.
me: okay...

by Lazav (shapeshifter) September 22, 2019

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This symbol means"less than three" even though you don't really know what is thing is less than three, you know that at least SOMETHING is less than three. Though some people like to think this means "love" or "heart" that is just because someone texted them <3 and they want it to mean that.

I had to do <3 math problems today :)

by Lazav (shapeshifter) November 21, 2019


an evil elmo who uses goo which is his own blood o bawer-ify humans and plan to someday dominate earth and humans.

watch out, a bawer! burn it, quick

by Lazav (shapeshifter) September 24, 2019


A seat attached tho two jet-turbine engine's.Used for racing.

wow, that podracer looks super fast.

by Lazav (shapeshifter) September 24, 2019

13 Year Olds

Somebody who is insulted, called an idiot, called a ball of hormones, called an annoying little kid who does stupid things, by almost every definition on the urban dictionary.

It's totally unfair how 13 year olds are insulted on the urban dictionary.

by Lazav (shapeshifter) October 12, 2019

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