Source Code

Illusion of Gaia

Better than Soulblazer, but not as good as terranigma.

Definition is too short? It can never be too short!

See Soulblazer, and Terranigma. And j00, and pwns. I had to add that.

by Lazirus July 6, 2004

7πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Gotta catch 'em all

What you gotta do.

What you gotta do.

What you gotta do.

What you gotta do.

What you gotta do.

What you gotta do.

What you gotta do.

What you gotta do.

What you gotta do.

by Lazirus July 6, 2004

38πŸ‘ 82πŸ‘Ž

Bust that nigga!

Bastardization of "Null that african human's biological clock!". . . . . .

wegfnoiwegn0w34ht thj4w30ghwe0g -9jwef0hweg -9hjwef0h h w09ug0weg. 325346 23463465 235235 fucking bullshit reherwhg

by Lazirus July 6, 2004

9πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

I don't give a fuck g

A common exchange between a negro and a gangbanger. Often used needlessly.

Gangbanger:Bob Saget smokes-ah-da reefer.
NegroI don't give a fuck g. 3827508912365-384165-3465-83641-9581634-586312-4856-3140531465-=314256=13425


by Lazirus July 6, 2004

7πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


Stands for "Bent Edge". The opposite and not to mention total opposition of sXe. An antonym for all sXe stands for. The curved and perverse blade the metaphor suggests symbolizes 10 packs a day, the liberal usage of amphetamines and alcohol, and partaking of the most outlandish forms of sex involving animals and sometimes objects and sometimes fuckin' both. Often a fan of <i>Power Rangers DinoThunder</i>.

When the fuck did this "sXe" business come around anyways? I didn't approve this, so who did? It's like we shouldn't be going forward in time simply becuase of the constant submerging of humanity at the hands of new-age religions and ways of life. But don't ever say we should be returned back in time as that would be even worse. Time should cease, so that everyone, and bullshit like sXe and PETA, implodes and is obliterated.

Todd:"I'm bXe motherfucker and just mouthed a horse dick, thereby tearing your shit apart!"
Femsy:"Just another reason I should take a pull of a .35."

by Lazirus July 10, 2004

35πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


The mental state of mind that men/boys take on when they become fans in any way shape or formof pop music. It is a state of being incredibly homosexual, and decide to callously and so obviously hide your carnal desires surrounding your fellow man by saying you think the female pop star is attractive, and you only like her for that reason. When in reality, you want to assimilate into the female sex, and give female friends tips about hairstyles and ways of dressing while at night, dating cute young boys and taking them home, and doing the nasty with them.

I once knew someone that went to a Britany Spears concert because she was "way hot, dude". While we gave him a false sense of security by saying "Oh, yeah, right, because she's hot, we understand." when he left the room, the first words out of our bodies were "FUCKIN' FAG."

by Lazirus July 8, 2004

2πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


Sukeban is a japanese word that utterly means "Delinquency". Now you just saw Sukeban Deka or Delinquent in Drag didn't you?

k k i j i l ju g n k gf i n g k b g k g km b k bg h l g g k g y g t j b g g j b

by Lazirus July 7, 2004

20πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž