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Rouge Masters

Rouge Masters

Rouge Masters is a TCG term for powerful Boss monsters in an non-meta high-tier Rouge deck

by Leonora Lovecraft March 29, 2018


The world Hallm translates to Mother, and is used to describe someone who is a mother to someone regardless if they are a woman or not. This can apply to all relatives regardless of gender, and can also be used to describe a closely cherished friend in the same manner.

"Even though my mother passed, my hallm came to me and helped me be happy once again."

by Leonora Lovecraft June 18, 2018


a Cyeling which is a person who has discarded their Humanity and started living there life as a machine and soon well start replacing their human parts for mechanical parts or an organic cybernetic organism. or Cyeling for short is a person who has discarded their Humanity and has started to live there life in pursuit of becoming a machine or Android to escape their own mortality because they think there's nothing after death and they don't want to be forgotten,

Carrie is a Cyeling because she is so afraid to die that she is trying to find away anyway no to so her boyfriend is making her mechanical body parts so she can one day live knowing that she well never die or be forgotten

by Leonora Lovecraft January 19, 2017

14👍 1👎


A Male to Famale transgender That does not conform to the feminist social justice and political correct mindset that most of the LGBTQ community has adapted of late. But instead takes a Egalitarian mindset and political stance on life.

Ashley isnt like one of them feminist social justice mindset girls, she is one of them new Triugon's that dont conform to the feminist social justice and political correct mindset that most of the LGBTQ community has adapted.

by Leonora Lovecraft October 17, 2016