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Twin flame

Twin flame ..

Are you out there?

Are you real?

Are you sick and tired?

Of this whole ordeal

It is just you and me

Because all I feel

2 puppets for the world to kill …

Maybe I was wrong

the puppet just me

Not much longer as time

Clears fog to see

Twin flame … you never spoke my name ..

by LetsTalkAboutX January 8, 2023

25👍 10👎


Belief ..

Not really a choice ..

Just a conclusion to evidence that surrounds you ..

Blind faith ..

Tried that ..

Belief .. Beyond

by LetsTalkAboutX February 27, 2023

25👍 2👎


What’s clear?

Absolutely nothing

And that’s what you trade on

Years of defs

Claim after claim

Yet reality is … clear

This is why I no longer respond

Or know what ones/ if any of the accounts are yours

Asked for clarity back in the summer

Clear that is never gonna happen

Clear walking partner is still life partner

Stop pretending

Or someone needs to stop pretending to be you

That’s clear ..

Clear .. .. but not transparent..

by LetsTalkAboutX March 7, 2023

34👍 14👎

Witch hunt

Feel it rising ..

Tensions all time high ..

lol what’s so funny is someone trying to look calm, unbothered and doing a half decent convincing act when they clearly are bothered as they continue to do something they know upsets someone else ..

On purpose


Week in

Week out

Like creating a problem .. and instead of avoiding said persons house actually stand outside go past many times a day looking in …

Yep I’m the witch …


All eyes on me .. as usual

I have said this kinda upsets my karma

Saying this escalates said behaviours I know

Yet say nothing and it’s like admitting defeat in a sense…

Depressed people are easy targets …

Get witched out proper easy

Bit of a shame I guess when that no longer flies

Warrior spirit .. from times and ages you can’t begin to imagine … so doesn’t faze me just really fucking annoys

Which is why the witch hunt continues to this very day …

And beyond most probs … peachelicious …

Witch hunt .. yay ..

by LetsTalkAboutX January 28, 2023

11👍 5👎

Row your boat



Row your boat








Life is butt a dream …

Row your boat … this was a metaphor of life and spiritually in a book I read …

The shaman speaks

Maggie Wahls

Wise ancient soul without a doubt …

Maybe I met her in a life before this …

by LetsTalkAboutX January 14, 2023


Fuck it don’t care ..

2218 aka


Exactly what I was thinking ..

Glad we’re finally same wavelength

Good day ..

And Eve ..


Lol I don’t see positive in them anymore …

Especially the 3 …

Toxic as fuck ..

Not my doing …

by LetsTalkAboutX April 30, 2023

28👍 9👎


You should know surely ..

Better than most

Give me cold

You get back ice

Burn me

You get fire ..

Like you .. a mirror ..

Just saying

Hope you had a good day

Ice … your as cold as ice .. willing to sacrifice..

by LetsTalkAboutX February 3, 2023

18👍 1👎