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The tip of a cock when someone is sitting down.

"Did you hear about Hunter Biden's laptop?"

by Lil'ith Rose December 30, 2022

Gender Ideology

The desire to allow chocolate chips in some cookies.

"Do you support gender ideology?" "Of course, who doesn't love chocolate chips?"

by Lil'ith Rose June 4, 2024


A copy that's better than the original or more well known thing

In some ways, a synonym for a knockoff, in other ways, its antonym.

They're similar in that a knockoff and a kickup are both a term to denote a copy of an original or more well known something. However, where a knockoff is considered a pale imitation of low effort, a kickup (derived from the term 'kick it up a notch') is considered an improvement from an original in every way.

I like Giggles, they're a kickup from Skittles; they taste the same but better and are all natural.

by Lil'ith Rose November 3, 2021