Source Code

Whopper Jr

This is closely related to the Houdini. In this act, you are doing a girl from behind. Upon climax, you pull out and explode on her back. When she turns around to see what happened, you yell, "Whopper Jr. Bitch!" and hit her in the face with a Whopper Jr. hamburger. (Cheese optional)

"John gave her the Whopper Jr last night, and I don't mean the hamburger!"

by Lil Sweat December 7, 2007

16👍 64👎

Salty Steve

This is where one person cums on their finger, and inserts said finger into a friend or foe's ear. Similar to a Wet Willy.

"Dude, I just owned Dalton with a Salty Steve!"

by Lil Sweat December 7, 2007

13👍 4👎