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Kid isn't just a word for someone of youth. The slang kid is what you call someone. It's used as if you were saying dude or bro. Example:
Kid stop kicking things at me
Yeah, you're dumb kid
Kid what are you doing lmao
Kid is used for insults as well. Like:
Yeah youre just some kid get outta here
You're dumb kid
Kid is used along side of the slang tip and jip and stick and ran.
Kid is also used for other people like
Some random kid showed up
And kid could be used for any aged person. They don't have to be an actual kid

kid, that's not how you throw a football
Get outta here you random kid
I kicked a tip and hit a random kid

by Loaf Noir July 19, 2018


A slang used to describe someone getting beat at something like a game or if someone were to fail at something like parkour. It is even used for inanimate objects. Example:
That beer bottle just got ran -- in this context, the beer bottle was thrown into the air and shattered upon impact and was destroyed, therefore getting ran.
If there was a video where someone was doing bike jumps and their bike missed the jump and they crashed, they would have gotten ran

*throws paper at someone fast* *gets hit* "get ran, kid"

by Loaf Noir July 19, 2018

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It's a word between some friends and I that I think should be spread as a slang term. It is used as alot of nouns and basically for anything. It could be used for a replacement so people don't understand what you mean but you and your friends can. PreExample is:
Wow the tip fell over
A few tips flew across the room
Shut up u dumb tip
It can literally be any noun you want and is used with some other slang words we use like stick, jip, kid, ran

Pass the tip kid...
I was running and tripped on the tip...
Yeah ur like the dumbest tip...
There's like 400 tips on the ground...

by Loaf Noir July 19, 2018

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Fortnite is a new hit video game that honestly is trash. Fortnite gets people in trouble and is very cringe worthy. It's a third person shooter Battle Royale game. If you are older than 11 years of age, don't play it. But it is a child's video game

Fortnite is virgin central
The best way to lose a girlfriend is to play fortnite
I lost my chance for sex because I was playing fortnite

by Loaf Noir July 19, 2018