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The omniscient & omnipotent deity, who becomes man who becomes super god, and ultimately inspires, leads, & controls the minds & combined will of his Covidian religious cult followers.

Like any god, he retains absolutely no accountability because good outcomes are due to his gracious benevolence while undesired consequences result from his purging crucible or fully-merited sanctions.

“I’m not feeling well with a symptom that could be from any ailment listed in any of all the world’s medical journals & blogs.”

“Praise Fauchovah!”

by Logical Empiricist Stoic October 22, 2023

Covid Carols

The feature of almost songlike whining & kvetching from Covid Babies that accompanies the regular Covid Season.
Covid Carols typically include an unlimited list of non-specific & often conflicting symptoms that can be attributed to any disease or ailment that has ever existed among any of Earth's creatures.

"My head hurts. I think I have a fever. I can't breathe. My body aches. Feel like I'm gonna throw up. Wah! Wah! Waaaah!!!"

"I'm coughing. I'm sneezing. I lost my appetite. I'm starving. I can't taste anything. I can't smell anything. Does anybody have a Covid test? I need to stay in from work. Wah! Wah! Waaaah!!!"

"Can somebody drive me to the emergency room? I need an updated jab. Did you get the latest vax? Why aren't you wearing a mask? That's not 6 feet. You're too close! Wah! Wah! Waaaah!!!"

"Hear the Covid Babies with their Covid Carols?"

"Yep! Time to pull out the Covid Box. Covid Season is upon us!"

"Praise Fauchovah!"

by Logical Empiricist Stoic October 31, 2023

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Fauchovah's Witness

A member of the Covidian sect of cultish apologists who fervently adhere to the teachings and mandates of the one and only true Fauchovah.

"Do NOT confuse Fauchovah's Witnesses with JWs."

"One is the sole religion of the only true god & the other is Jehovah's Witnesses!"

by Logical Empiricist Stoic September 11, 2023

SheToo Movement

A social countermovement and awareness campaign against female entitlement and lack accountability which results in unfounded false accusations towards men.

Man sues 50 women for $2.6 million after they called him a bad date in viral FB group, thus beginning the #SheToo Movement

by Logical Empiricist Stoic April 13, 2024


A more politically correct & socially acceptable way of saying, Nappy Headed Ho.

Possibly a career-saving term.

Don Imus might still have a radio show if he wasn’t dead & had simply said:

"Man, those girls are rough. Dem some NH2s."

by Logical Empiricist Stoic June 28, 2023

Balack Obama

In some Asian-speaking lands (using this mispronounced version of "Black Obama"), it was believed that this is how Americans addressed Barack Obama.

In part, the confusion stemmed from the similarity of the "L" and "R" sounds within their spoken languages and the fact that the skin-color-obsessed USA focused so much attention on their first "black" president.

"So his name is not Balack Obama (aka Black Obama). It's Barack Obama!"

"Ah! So what's the diffelence?"

by Logical Empiricist Stoic September 11, 2023

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Covid Level Alert (CLA), aka Chicken Little Alarm, is an overreaction to a potentially high-risk event with low (realistically no) probability of occurrence.

Such responses are typically based on emotions, thus bypassing the human brain’s logical reasoning centers.

"Whoa! Eating that could kill a nigga!"

"Stop making a CLA like a bitch!"

by Logical Empiricist Stoic September 11, 2023