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The intentional consumption of a large amount of water at once, meant to hydrate for one to several days, as opposed to drinking sporadically. It is often accompanied by a snakemeal.

It can also be triggered by a long period of dehydration.

See also: snakemeal

"Hold on, guys. I gotta cameldrink before this hike!"

"I don't have time to refill my water bottle during the day, so I cameldrink in the morning."

by Logos et arma May 4, 2022


A physical and public humiliation defined by a light tap to the back of the neck originating at Arvin High School. A successful chap is characterized by a faint, but very distinguishable smacking sound, followed by laughter among those present.

It may also be used to describe an object that is sub-par, un-cool, stupid, or of poor quality.

One may precede a chap by saying the following:

"That's a chap"


"That burger was a chap!"

"Don't make me chap you!" (As a warning)

by Logos et arma January 7, 2011

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