Source Code

City of Dope

Oakland, CA in the bay area.

"I live 8 miles from the city of dope."

-Andre Nickatina

by Lurchy Lurch July 31, 2006

95👍 6👎

Mexican American

The coolest people on the face of the earth, puto.

Mexican Americans...
Lack an education,
so they go to night school, and take Spanish and get a B...
Mexican Americans...
Don't just like to get into gangfights,
they like flowers and music and Whitegirls named debby too..
-Cheech & Chong

by Lurchy Lurch March 29, 2006

383👍 301👎

wishboned it

to watch the show "Wishbone" instead of doing required reading.

Did you read the "Tale of Two Cities?"

Naw man I wishboned it

by Lurchy Lurch August 12, 2006

13👍 5👎