Source Code

piggy sex

Sex with an obese person.

Tom Arnold must have really liked piggy sex if he married Rosanne!

by Lynn September 15, 2004

28πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž


Mother Fooker. Derived from 'mother f*cker'.

That is one sexay mofoo.

You mofoo!

I am such a mofoo.

by Lynn April 9, 2003

17πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A message board/online forum abbreviation for "Posting for Later"

Oh, shit! I don't have time to read this before work! PFL!

by Lynn February 12, 2008

50πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


First off to da definition dat amber said it has nothin' to do w/ white people. it's usually referred to a gurl.

by Lynn October 16, 2003

14πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž


i pill that wastes yours or your parents money which is supposed to help deppression but doesnt realy work it just makes you want to kill yourself but you arent depressed

prozac cause sometimes you feel like a nut and sometimes you dont

by Lynn May 7, 2005

56πŸ‘ 128πŸ‘Ž


a girl who has a rather large bra cup size.

guy:so what cup size are you?
Guy: holy shit your a wow!!

by Lynn March 22, 2005

13πŸ‘ 97πŸ‘Ž


vegan straightedge. a lifestyle which includes abstainence from all use of drugs, alcohol, and animal products/biproducts.

Earth Crisis was one of the first militant xvx bands.

by Lynn March 1, 2005

1453πŸ‘ 528πŸ‘Ž