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Items that have not been paid for and are still sellable, but for some reason are not in their correct spot on the shelf (or on the shelf at all).
If a person decides that they do not wish to purchase an item, from that instant forward it is considered a go-back until it sucessfully goes back.

"Is there something wrong with these cans tuna?"
"No, they're just go-backs."

by M@ and the Albertson's crew December 20, 2006

13👍 7👎


Items that have not been paid for and are still sellable, but for some reason are not in their correct spot on the shelf (or on the shelf at all).
If a person decides that they do not wish to purchase an item, from that instant forward it is considered a go-back until it sucessfully goes back.

"Is there something wrong with these cans of tuna?"
"No, they're just go-backs."

by M@ and the Albertson's crew December 20, 2006

5👍 6👎