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A person or object that is fake, nasty or phony; not the real thing. A persoan involved in fradulant activity; A person who has stolen anothers identity; writes bad checks; or has stolen expensive clothes, jewelry or articles.

She pulled a stunt. This food taste so stunt!

by M O Thomas September 2, 2008

5👍 6👎


A man or womans lover, child or friend.

What's up Boo.

by M O Thomas September 2, 2008

35👍 46👎


A masculine gay male. Masculine in appearance.

Dang, look at trade?

by M O Thomas September 2, 2008

326👍 235👎


A person of Indian descent who acts white.

Look at that cocoanut hanging out with those white girls at the Gap.

by M O Thomas September 2, 2008

5👍 6👎