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An extreme sport involving straping rollerblades on your feet and doing stunts on urban environment. rollerblading is very underground in The United States, only know about by rollerbladers skateboards and some bikers. rollerblading was in the lime light int the mid and late 90s, but skateboarding felt threatened by how cool it could be, and put out a plethora of negative advertising stripping rollerblading of its fame at a time when it was really starting to progress. and now everyone thinks rollerblading and the people who do it are "gay", when really they're some of the coolest people out there, and rollerblading is now on a higher level than skateboarding and biking combined.

i was rollerblading on a roof top when i jumped off and landed backwards after doing two and a half rotations.

.And Rollerblading in no way is harder or easier than skateboarding, beacause we can do such crazy things the standards of rollerblading is set very high.

by MAT SHAN May 8, 2006

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