Source Code

Cleveland Steamer

The vengeful act of crapping on a lover's chest while they sleep.

Cleveland Steamer Haiku:

Wake up sleepy head\
Rise and shine bright morning day\
Hey! who crapped on me?\

by MC Flunk August 25, 2008

977👍 828👎

Cleveland Steamer

The vengeful act of crapping on a lover's chest while they sleep.

Cleveland Steamer Haiku:

Wake up sleepy head\
Rise and shine bright morning day\
Hey! who crapped on me?\

by MC Flunk August 25, 2008

286👍 244👎


The act of defecating while receiving a blow job.

Blumpkin Haiku:

Stinky poo, deep throat\
Get on your knees now baby\
Man, I love bumpkins\

by MC Flunk August 25, 2008

187👍 218👎