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Radiohead is one of the most brilliant, unique, beautiful sounding bands out there.

Person 1: Dude have you heard of the band Radiohead?
Person 2: Of course! They're the best fuckin' band ever!

by ME, I WAS HERE. January 10, 2010

539👍 235👎


A very expensive clothing brand that kids will wear these days just to "fit in". Paying $70 for pre-torn jeans, and $100 for an ugly t-shirt that just advertises the brand. Anyone who wears Hollister normally seems to be a faggish follower, a slut, or a little prep. Hollister isn't special, people only wear it to fit in, and to advertise the brand on their chest.

Hollister is for f4gg0tz!

John: Dude how'd you get so many rips in your jeans?

Neil: I didn't man! I'm too much of a pussy to get my own rips in my own jeans! I bought them pre-ripped from Hollister! <3

John: .......fag

by ME, I WAS HERE. January 9, 2010

38👍 32👎