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rancid ass

A condition which a person exhibits when they don't wash their ass for weeks.The smell resembles that of mortified flesh such as gangrene or road kill. Very common phenomenon at TA truckstops.

"Yo ... I had to drop a deuce in the restroom at that last truckstop ... All I gots to say is that the man sittin' in the next stall had WHACK rancid ass ... and the MAN who don't EVER wash his ASS is a MOTHERFUCKER !!!"

by Mad Honky August 15, 2014

12👍 3👎

Cadillac Deuce

Everybody knows that dropping a "Deuce" means taking a dump ... but only an elite brotherhood of truck drivers knows of the "Cadillac" Deuce. A regular "Deuce" consists of going to the public restroom and being exposed to "Rancid Ass" ... not good. For $10.00 you can rent a clean shower room at the truck stop and have your very own "Cadillac Deuce" experience.

"Got Damn ... I gots to shit like a motha fucka ! But I ain't goin' back in there with those nasty ass heathens. I'm gonna break out my reward points and treat myself to a Cadillac Deuce !"

by Mad Honky August 16, 2014

7👍 1👎

Shuh nay nay

Shuh nay nay is a woman who is always present when you need something really bad ... like a drivers license or VA assistance. Shuh nay nay usually makes 20 -30 dollars an hour and has an extra wide ass.

"Damn ... had to go down to the IRS today about my return and SON OF A BITCH !!! Shuh nay nay had me fill out forms for 45 minutes while she glossed her finger nails. Then she told me I filled out the wrong ones and said 'Oh HELL No ... you stupid.' ... Shuh nay nay gives ZERO fucks."

by Mad Honky August 15, 2014

Cadillac shit

A regular "shit" consists of going to the public restroom and being exposed to other peoples "rancid ass" ... not good. For $10.00 you can rent a clean shower room at the truck stop and have your very own "Cadillac shit" experience !

"Got Damn ... I gots to shit like a mothafucka ! But I ain't goin' back in there with those nasty ass heathens. I'm gonna break out my reward points and treat myself to a Cadillac shit !"

by Mad Honky August 16, 2014


Any white man wearing a uniform ... ANY uniform ... it could be a Burger King uniform.

"Hey hey Captain !!! My carruh broke down about 3 blocks away ... I run outta gas and my old lady is pregnant ... can you let me hold $10.00 for a minute ? I'll pay you back tomorrow !"

by Mad Honky August 15, 2014

29👍 21👎