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waddup gangsta

A waddup gangsta is a term used to describe a certain type of gangsta. This particular type of gangsta is the kind seen with baggy clothes, bopping his head to cRAP music, and who is quite obviously caucasian.

Example #1-Renée says:"Check it out, i got some waddup gangstas living across the street."
Maddy says:"Waddup gangsta!!!!"

Example #2-Maddy says:"Check out that waddup gangsta being arrested by the Po."
Renée says:"Waddup gangsta!!!!"

by Maddy April 15, 2004

16πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


1) n. a name for anyone (stereotypically used by male surfters/skaters but now accepted by any race, sex, religion, and wealth)
2) n. something that's just so awesomly cool, amazingly kick ass
3) ?. a way to start a conversation
4) replacing "um" or "like" in any sentence

1) Dude, that guy is soo sexy!
2) Omg! That teacher was so stoned, me and Hil were both like "Duuuude."
3) Dude you have no idea!
4) And then...dude...dude...dude, shit I forgot.

by Maddy January 15, 2004

3559πŸ‘ 1822πŸ‘Ž

toorak mum

someone who drives rangrovers and fucks them with strap-ons like in nichs msn picture


by Maddy August 25, 2003

6πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


the computer cheap people buy. it sucks, is slow and insanely complex. science mags say macs are better. seriously.

sally: my windows kept crashing on me last night while i was trying to make a movie and simultaneously download from itunes
bob: thats because windows suck for anything visual or audio. buy a mac. conform!

by Maddy January 15, 2004

37πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž


somthing this retarded little blonde kid made up whose sitting right next to me as im typing saying "ay ay" like a damn canadian on crack

a frozen liquid or a fake me out versions of male genetalia

by Maddy June 14, 2003

2πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Break Up

What is gonna happen when your boy thinks that your gonna plunge a knife into your wrsits when your so not. When he thinks you have issues with being adopted

Eg: You have got a fucking clue who I am. It's over.

by Maddy March 30, 2005

32πŸ‘ 98πŸ‘Ž