Source Code


DonҀ™t Give A Fuck

Person1 txt: omfg did u see what she was wearing today????

Person2 txt: no n dgaf

by Madmann June 25, 2020

trickle down

A fairy tale told by Republicans. Based on the idea that if rich people are given Uber-Welfare in the form of tax credits, that they may throw a few crumbs to the rest of us, which somehow benefits us (even though the crumbs we get don't equal the money we've handed over to the rich). see also: absolute bullshit

Made popular under the Reagan Administration, it was his Republican primary opponent George Bush (Version 1.0) who coined the term voodoo economics to describe the principle. This, of course, was before it dawned on Bush that he was a rich bastard himself and should probably just keep his mouth shut.

Called trickle down as an endearing visual of the upper 1% pissing all over the less fortunate.

The best part of Dubya was just a trickle down Barbara's thigh.

by Madmann October 4, 2005

310πŸ‘ 94πŸ‘Ž

good girl

A girl who'd rather do what you want than what her parents taught her.

syn. bad girl

Good girls are best when they're bad girls.

by Madmann October 8, 2005

456πŸ‘ 268πŸ‘Ž

buddy christ

syn. buddy jesus

1. Originally from the Kevin Smith movie "Dogma". In the film, Cardinal Glick, during his "Catholicism WOW!" campaign to move the church towards a younger, "hipper" demographic, suggest replacing the crucifix with a new image of Christ. This version is grinning like an infomercial host, with one hand thumbs up and one hand doing a phony Hollywood "Bang-bang" gesture. Imagine Jesus if he were subject to Neilsen ratings.

2. Anyone who possesses all the false charm and lack of genuine quality as personified by the icon represented in definition 1; for example, that phony cockbite where you work. It helps if they walk around all the time acting like only THEY can save you/the corporation/Earth/Jimmy Olsen. Martyrdom: It's a good gig if you can get it.

1. I laughed so hard the first time I saw Buddy Christ I passed an entire chef salad through my nose!

2. That dude... he's such a Buddy Christ... I oughta nail him to something.
Source: Madmann, Oregon

by Madmann October 7, 2005

272πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž

Jeff Foxworthy

1. A popular comedian among NASCAR fans, mulletheads, Pabst Blue Ribbon drinkers and rednecks (like those are different categories). Creator of the "You Might Be A Redneck" series of jokes. I say "jokes" loosely, as they're all slight derivations of the exact same joke, which isn't really a joke to begin with, just observation: rednecks lack class & intelligence. The only humor is that the rednecks themselves love this joke more than anyone. "We're backwards losers, that is SOOOO funny!"

2. Any one-trick pony such as definition 1.

1. "Jeff Foxworthy's on TV! Wanna watch?"
"No, I gotta clip my toenails or something..."

2. "Dat Phan won Last Comic Standing and EVERY joke was about being Korean... what a Foxworthy..."

by Madmann October 11, 2005

210πŸ‘ 128πŸ‘Ž

buddy jesus

1. Originally from the Kevin Smith movie "Dogma". In the film, Cardinal Glick, during his "Catholicism WOW!" campaign to move the church towards a younger, "hipper" demographic, suggest replacing the crucifix with a new image of Christ. This version is grinning like an infomercial host, with one hand thumbs up and one hand doing a phony Hollywood "Bang-bang" gesture. Imagine Jesus if he were subject to Neilsen ratings.

2. Anyone who possesses all the false charm and lack of genuine quality as personified by the icon represented in definition 1; for example, that phony cockbite where you work. It helps if they walk around all the time acting like only THEY can save you/the corporation/Earth/Jimmy Olsen. Martyrdom: It's a good gig if you can get it.

1. I laughed so hard the first time I saw Buddy Jesus I passed an entire chef salad through my nose!

2. That Dan... he's such a Buddy Jesus... I oughta nail him to something.

by Madmann October 3, 2005

255πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


The only true sign of intelligence you will encounter from another human being.

A theist, or believer in God, will tell you that he ABSOLUTELY exists. An atheist (non-believer) will say he ABSOLUTELY doesn't.

Well, the last time I checked, it's been like 2000 years since God was reported to have talked to anybody, making it pretty difficult to prove. Besides which, all religion is predicated on faith (See also: Not supposed to be proven).

Prove he doesn't exist? Possibly the only thing harder to do. Besides the enormity of the task, there's the fact that anyone who ever took a logic class knows and that is that you can't prove a negative. You can only prove (sometimes) that something hasn't happened YET. It may still the next time.

So... you have a theist, an atheist and an agnostic... None of them really knows the truth about the nature of existence.

But only the agnostic is smart enough to admit it.

Agnosticism says: I don't know if there's a God or not... and neither do you.

Sleep tight.

by Madmann October 7, 2005

1465πŸ‘ 408πŸ‘Ž