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Sintrinia Linardo

A term referring people who can't sing properly.

A: Bro, do you think she can be a singer?
B: Hell no! My dog sings better than her!
A: She's such a Sintrinia Linardo.

by Maggie JT February 4, 2023

68👍 2👎

Florida Chen

This name contains "Florida" but it is nothing related to the American state Florida. This name is used by Indonesian girls. People with this name are pretty and smart. Seems like they're absolutely perfect, but not exactly. They have smelly feet but they love to smell their own feet. Rather than working at good companies using their good career, they prefer to work as a prostitute and have a sex with any boys. Many boys, however, never knows their background and just have sex with them.

Joel was travelling to Indonesia last week. She met a pretty girl named Florida Chen. He immediately fell into a love to her and both of them went to a hotel. Every night Joel was in Indonesia, they had sex everyday based on the request of Florida Chen. Joel was wondering why she became a prostitute, so he asked her. He then realised that she graduated from a well-known university and had a high CGPA. He felt so weird and ask her once again. However, this was her reply:

"Joel, what's the point you ask this kind of questions? Is it really a problem I have a sex with boys? I also smell my own feet everyday. I love it. You MUST smell my feet NOW, or else you cannot go back to your own country. Understand?"

Joel then smell Florida Chen's feet. It was smelly, but he liked it.

by Maggie JT July 14, 2022


A word referring people who overreact for a small matter.

A: I told her that she is pretty, but she just blocked me for that!
B: OMG! She's such a qortuun!

by Maggie JT February 4, 2023


A Swiss food brand that produces and sells various foods i.e. noodle. Its products are really popular, not only in Switzerland but worldwide.

Maggi noodle is popular among Malaysians.

by Maggie JT July 14, 2022

42👍 1👎