Source Code

Sith Lord

The highist ranking dark Jedi

I am a Sith Lord your nothing.

by Major Davis September 12, 2003

36๐Ÿ‘ 73๐Ÿ‘Ž

Death Glider

Two-man Goa'uld attack vessel designed for combat in both space and an atmosphere. Death gliders are outfitted with broadcast speakers to allow the pilots to terrorize the populations beneath verbally, as well as with their weapons. They are outfitted with removable staff cannons, two to three times larger than standard staff weapons, but utilizing the same form of energy.

Major Kawalsky took out a Death Glider with a Stinger Missile.

by Major Davis September 12, 2003

10๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


A handheld Goa'uld weapon, formed in the shape of a coiled serpent. The zat'ni'katel was nicknamed "zat gun" by Colonel O'Neill. The zat uses a form of different form of energy less powerful than that of a staff weapon. One shot will usually render a victim unconscious. Two shots will kill most subjects. Three shots disintegrate them.

I shot the Jaffa with my Zat'ni'katel.

by Major Davis September 12, 2003

35๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


A massive, circular ring with an inner track of 39 symbols representing star constellations, capable of sending people and objects hundreds of thousands of lightyears via an interstellar conduit called a "wormhole." The Stargate, constructed millenia ago by the Ancients, is made of the alien mineral naquadah and weighs about 64,000 pounds.
One side of the gate holds nine equally-spaced, V-shaped locking mechanisms, or "chevrons," capable of locking at least seven constellations in place via a freely-spinning inner track. The first six glyphs lock down a point in space, while the seventh represents the point of origin. When the seventh chevron locks, an unstable energy vortex emerges from the gate, incinerating everything in its wake. Once the vortex is gone and the event horizon is established, outbound travel may commence. Once objects have exited the other side, the Stargate has the capability of shutting itself off.

The Stargate network extends beyond our own galaxy, and includes many thousands of gates. Most gates are paired with a Dial-Home Device (D.H.D.), by which a user dials an address to another world. The S.G.C. does not have a D.H.D., and instead has rigged a computer system to access the gate's systems and dial addresses.

The Stargate is essentially an enormous superconductor, capable of harnessing power from a wide variety of energy sources, especially electricity. The inner track is a safety feature. When the gate has absorbed enough energy this track will unlock, allowing a manual dial in case something dire has occurred to the D.H.D.

The stargate is located on Sublevel 28 at the SGC.

by Major Davis September 12, 2003

678๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) Slang for the defeated Independent Faction who oppose the Anglo-Sino Alliance, on the show Firefly.

2) A fan of the series Firefly.

Many browncoats have been converted since the cancellation of Firefly.

by Major Davis February 28, 2004

549๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž


One of the only two types of ships in the world. The other being "targets"

The Akula II is a Russian Submarine.

by Major Davis September 13, 2003

54๐Ÿ‘ 142๐Ÿ‘Ž


A) A renegade Asgard who experimented with abducted humans from Earth. Stopped by Thor and a clone of Jack Oรขย€ย™Neill
B) A type of Recon Fighter in Decent: FreeSpace

Loki's cloning of O'Neill caused his downfall.

by Major Davis September 13, 2003

39๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž