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Garlic Bread

Garlic Bread is the god given meal of those who know how to taste, they would use it in church for communion they're just too cheap for this gold dust.

You must take caution, however, in your selection. There are many FAKES, I warned you. Don't even concern yourself with making it at home (unless you wan to flex your 600-800°C pizza oven) 250°C ovens wont cut it, pun intended. After selecting an appropriate vendor, preferably neapolitan, make certain that it is based on garlic oil and NOT butter as this will RUIN the experience entirely including a potential vom - not ideal.

Society I missing out on the great deal offered by this cuisine. Most restaurants produce in unsatisfactory result, speak to a professional first.

A: what do you want with your garlic bread?
B: I'm sorry, what!?
A: ...
B: You can't match a garlic bread to anything, it is the pinnacle of existence

A: would you like cheese on that?
B: Would you like to walk away from me before I take this to the next level

A: what should I have from the menu?
B: Garlic Bread
A: is that it?
B:I don't know you anymore, stop sitting near me. Now.

by Man of Stupendous Attitude November 19, 2019

53👍 7👎


Does man care (this statement cannot be interpreted as a question, it is simply a fact)

It is a simple truth and can be used in place of "Did I ask?", "Dilligaf" or simply "Fuck off". It can also show to those around you that are simply not at all interested in their waffling.

It should be said with confidence and inner belief for full effect and impact on your surroundings, it has in-fact been know to bring silence to a room.

A: Gordon Ramsay has finessed a fresh new garlic bread with notes of oregano, garlic, butter and a sophisticated undertone of basil to his fellow chef Gino d'Acampo's palette...
B: *interrupting* DMC

A: I've just downloaded Fortnite but still haven't won after a 5 hour livestream with istleiderschon
B: DMC been there, done that

by Man of Stupendous Attitude November 19, 2019

7👍 5👎