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Subscribe to Pewdiepie

The equivalent of “allahu akbar” for white Kiwi mosque shooters.

Dozens of Muslims die when you hear the yell of “Subscribe to Pewdiepie”

by Martin Luther Cream March 16, 2019

1799👍 240👎

read another book

The appropriate response to any stupid political analogy that uses material from the Harry Potter books as a reference point.

HP devotee #1: "When Voldemort is president, Dumbledore's army needs a whole lot of Hermoines!"
HP devotee #2: "If the students at Hogwarts can defeat the death eaters, then we can defeat the NRA!"
George Takei tweet: "So, are we basically saying now that Senator McCain is Severus Snape?"
Normal person: "Seriously? Read another book."

by Martin Luther Cream May 11, 2018

190👍 47👎

Talcum X

Nickname given to NY Daily News writer and social justice activist Shaun King, primarily due to the fact that he will go at great lengths to prove that he is not completely white. When asked about his parents listed on his birth certificate (who are both biologically white, as well as his brother Jason King), he basically had the audacity to say that he was the byproduct of an affair his mother had and that the father listed on the birth certificate is not his biological father. He practically called his own mother a whore simply to defend his biracial status, and it seems unlikely that he will be taking a DNA test anytime soon to settle this charade, thus the Internet has granted him this fitting alias.

Dare to question the ill-ridden Twitter rants of Talcum X and you shall expect to be blocked.

by Martin Luther Cream May 21, 2017

2394👍 125👎