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Cut up

Cut up is a term used used in the New Orleans and all over the south. It has multiple meanings as well.

When at a party friends can hype you by saying “cut up hoe” this is similar to saying fuck it up or get it friend!!

Cut up also is used to describe behavior. If you are being bad or mischievous your parent might ask you why your cutting up in school

In an argument it can be used as a way to describe emotions. If your about to get in a fight and you say that you “cut up” you are saying that your a crazy fighter or a good fighter.

Girl at a party-“Ooo my song is coming on I’m finna cut up!”

Mother to child-“When we walk in the store you bet not cut up or ima beat yo ass”

In an argument-“Keep talking to her like that and she gone cut up. You better leave her alone.”

by Maya Elise April 2, 2019

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