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An Emmi is an absolutely perfect person, who you can fall deeply in love with. An Emmi is the type of girl you want to constantly be around, because of how fun they are to be around, and because of how happy they make you. They're the kind of person you just want to walk up and hug, and never let go. Emmi's are usually short(ish), absolutely gorgeous and hilarious, athletic, energetic at times and extremely sincere at others, and loyal. Emmi's will never abandon you for someone else, and they'll always be a joy to be around. An Emmi is perfect, in every way.

(Me): "Did you see Emmi today?"
(Friend): "Yeah I heard all about her, running around like she was a chicken!"
(Me): "Yeah, she's amazing..."

by Mayor Mator March 28, 2019

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