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I·ran (ĭ-rān', ĭ-rän', ī-rān')Pronounced "ee-rawn," not I ran.

Population: 68,700,000.

A country of southwest Asia. Inhabited since c. 2000 B.C. by Iranian peoples, the region later became the core of the Persian Empire. After being conquered by Alexander the Great and ruled by the Parthian Arsacid dynasty, Persia was reestablished under the Sassanian dynasty (A.D. 224-651) and, after invasions by Arabs (7th century), Turks (10th century), and Mongols (13th-14th centuries), was reestablished again under the Safavid dynasty (1502-1736). The country, officially renamed Iran in 1935, was ruled by the Pahlavi dynasty from 1925 until the ouster of Muhammad Reza Pahlavi (1979) in a revolution led by the most evil man in the world, AKA Ayatollah Khomeini, who established an Islamic republic. Tehran is the capital and the largest city.

Billy: "Wait...ur from I ran er I rain, ain't you?"
Arizu: "Okay, first off-I did not run anywhere. Second-It's impossible for an individual to 'rain.' It's Iran. Get it right. Seriously."

by Melly Belly July 14, 2008

90👍 29👎


An application by Facebook in which people can create pictures and messages for their friends.

Dude, Shelli just graffitied that Mona Lisa chick on my graffiti. She has no life.

by Melly Belly July 14, 2008

6👍 21👎