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A stick with poo on the end of it. People will often chase each other around with it.

"Have you ever been hit by a poostick" "no I'm too fast"

by Men cat man May 30, 2019


When u don't spell out the whole word bc u forget to it ur just lazy

Hey look u spelled it Englan it's meant to be England

by Men cat man June 29, 2019


The thing that thanos used to kill half of all life on the universe

Thanos has two stones now

by Men cat man May 26, 2019

Tiny winey

A tiny little sausage that even babies can swollen hole

Let's have a good fight with some tiny wineys

by Men cat man June 20, 2019

6👍 4👎

made up words

Usually found on urban dictionary
For example tiny winey (check that one out)

Wow look at that carrot made up words

by Men cat man June 24, 2019

13👍 3👎

Carrot swordsman

A green carrot that chucks sweaty swords at ninja giraffes

They are usually found in the dishwasher

Oh no there's a carrot swordsman cutting up our plates in the dishwasher 😱

by Men cat man June 17, 2019