Source Code

SD Gundam

Ok Folks, there are 2 SD Gundams.

1. Excellent parody of the Mobile Suit Gundam series. Has some hilarous moments, espically if your into Gundam.

2. The new,uber crappy series that was shown on CN awhile ago. Total disgrace to the gundam series. Its unfunny, the action is slow, and the gundams look so stupid.

Blah blah blah blah

by Metal Head June 26, 2004

20👍 8👎

country Music

A music style that used to be about "Cowboys" and "Tractors" and shit. The music was almost always made by a fiddle, acoustic guitar, harmonica, and/or a chello.

Now, country music is basicly just badly done rock-guitar pop-ballads (or repitive piano pop-ballads) with such themes as "My Wife Left Me", "Im Leaving my Husband", "my Spouse is Dead or a thousnad miles away and i am lonley", and "Drinking Songs", sung by untalented Males who all try to sound the same, and females who either sing like a hurt timid female, or a Strong Independent Woman Who is Leaving Her Boyfriend For Some Unknown Reason.

Hell, modern country wouldnt even be considered country music if it didnt include that stupid highpitched country noise (i cant describe it. If you have heard country music, you know what im talking about) made by some unknown instrument.

"The Devil Went Down To Georgia" is country music.
"I love this Bar"

by Metal Head June 24, 2004

833👍 527👎


The worst anime liscensing/dubbing firm in the world. They really started the kiddie-anime boom in the U.S. with pokemon, which made them billionares.

Later on, they liscensed Yugioh and turned it into a hack-fest that made the Card Captor dub look good. The changed nearly everyone's names, altered the main storyline, censored any deaths in the show (either saying the dead charecter went to "The shadow Relm" or "Mysterisouly dissapeared"), added in this "Heart of the Cards" shit (and made nearly everything the charectars say mention the heart of the cards), replaced the ENTIRE soundtrack with shitty Saturday-morning cartoon music, and worst of all, mutaliated the dialog and gave the series THE WORST voice cast ever. And they didnt even release uncut DVDs... In the end, this series made them millionares.

4kids ended up buying fox kids, changed the name to fox boc, removed most of the shows, and added in a few crappy cartoons like the new TMNT and "The Cramp Twinds". They also bought a few new animes (Sonic X, Shaman King, Ultimate muscle, and Kirby: Right Back at Ya) to release on the fox box. While none of them were quite as bad as yugioh, they still sucked horribly. Shaman King had most of its dialog TOTALLY rewitten and its main charecter (yoh) changed from a carefree guy to a total asshole. Sonic X got a shitty dub cast. Ultimate muscle and Kirby...sucked from the begining. All of these animes had thier soundtracks replaced (they even recyled tracks. Sonic X's new soundtrack is IDENTICLE to shaman king, except for the opening music).

They recently liscensed Tokyo Mew Mew (which looks to me alot like sailor moon), and according to Al Khan, the evil bastard CEO of 4kids, they are planning to edit it tremendsouly (Hell, the are releaseing it under the name HOLLYWOOD Mew Mew...). They also seem to be going after the uber-popular anime "Naruto". With the shitload of money that 4kids has gained from YGO, i sympithize with naruto fans.

4kids is the reason that anime is so widely hated in the U.S.
They must be stopped before they get thier hands on a truly good anime.

by Metal Head June 24, 2004

1444👍 196👎


Link is the main charectar Shigeru Miyamoto's classic series "Zelda". He was named link because Shiggy thought of him as the "Link" between the player and the game world. He is a Hylian, an elfish type charcetar from the land of hyrule. In most games, he is young (looks about 12, but he becomes an adult for Half of OOT), with golden-blond or brown hair, and wears a Green tunic. Except for OOT and MM, link is reborn in a diffrent time and storyline in every game (as is Princess Zelda)
and prevents ganondorf, the evil wizard guy who was the only male born amoung the Geurdos, from stealing the triforce. The storylines do relate to each other tho (espically in Wind Waker)

Link...he come to town...come to save...the princess zelda!

by Metal Head June 24, 2004

1361👍 385👎


1. Vampire from Buffy the Vampire Slayer who used to be evil, but got some military chip in is head that keeps him from attacking humans, and later he got a soul, so basicly he's a good guy now.

2. Bounty Hunter/Main Charecter of Cowboy Bebop.

3. The annoying things you land on in most side scrollers that usally kill you in one hit.

blah blah blah

by Metal Head June 22, 2004

95👍 64👎

Master Of Puppets

1.Metallica's 3rd album, considered by some to be the greatest metal album ever. It was also Cliff Burton's last album with Metallica (He died in a tour buss accident shortly after completing the album).
2. The title track of the above album. Probably Metallica's most famous song. The lyrics are about Drug Addiction, refering to the drug (most likely cocaine) as "Master".

Metallica is God.

by Metal Head June 22, 2004

617👍 62👎