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Poof baby

A baby that goes into a mother’s womb without having to do the Hankey Pankey

The Angel said to marry, ”Marry you are having a poof baby”

by Michaelsoft Binbows December 9, 2018

ur mum the mega big super gey

Too dangerous to ever say or everyone in the universe will die

"ur mum gey"
"no u"
"ur mum the big gey"
"no u"
*dies in huge ball of death rolling down a volcano with lava all over it and spikes*

by Michaelsoft Binbows May 31, 2018

5👍 1👎


Karen is an anti-vax mother of 4, oh wait sorry 3, wait 1 now. She owns a white Toyota SUV, she is a soccer mom only because she took the kids, and she would like to speak to the manager.

"Dude look at that woman over there screaming about the dangers of vaccines"
"Its probably just another Karen"

by Michaelsoft Binbows May 28, 2019

1👍 1👎

Hankey Pankey

Sexual activities

“Hey ‘gf name’ want to do the Hankey Pankey“

by Michaelsoft Binbows December 27, 2018

5👍 2👎