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Man Tangle

A rare event in which three or more men become tangled, or stuck together.

Also see Man Jumble

Downhill mountain bikers crashing and getting stuck, with their bikes together, thus creating a Man Tangle.

by Mike Farnworth February 14, 2006

9👍 4👎



I drank two pints of vodka last night, I was absolutely wankered.

by Mike Farnworth May 6, 2003

132👍 34👎

Man Jumble

The event of three or more men stood in a small group doing nothing useful.

Also see Man Tangle.

A shop manager sees three of his staff talking, and generally being completely useless and asks for them to split up. "Gentlemen, we seem to have formed a man jumble, could you please disperse?"

by Mike Farnworth February 14, 2006

10👍 2👎