Source Code

Dirty Manchez

An action of a dirty sanchez performed by 2 men (see Dirty Sanchez)

"That guy was a total bitch so my friend and i gave him a dirty Manchez."

by Mike Oxlong June 20, 2004

29πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Charva is the romany (gypsy) word for unruly youth. Why it originates in Newcastle when there is next to no gypsies is beyond me. In my part of the north-east (Darlington) the word charva refers to gypsies as that is the correct meaning. The little tossers from Newcastle are just wannabe gypsies (fuck knows why) hence the use of the word charva to describe themselves.
Real charvas wear real burberry caps and rockports as they can afford the flash gear because they (somehow) make lots of money unlike the little wannabe rentas.

"charva kekka rokka" <---real charva talk not no imitation shit from the wannabes

by Mike Oxlong February 28, 2004

36πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


about to whup your ass....

It is 5 00 pm and it is time to go NOYA on the foosball table!

by Mike Oxlong May 14, 2003

27πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž


A substitution for the suffix "-ck". eg, wordhax0r/word, wordfux0r/word, wordchix0r/word, wordsux0r/word.

When using the x0r construct, the "-er" suffix becomes superfluous. Hence, "wordhacker/word" does not become hax0rer; rather, the terminal -er is dropped.

d00d, if i was a better hax0r, that chix0r would sux0r my dix0r.

by Mike Oxlong June 17, 2003

42πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

thumb suckerjeff morgan

jeff morgan is the biggest fagot, he always sticks his hands down his pants and then sucks his thumb...he also thinks he can take nebody..hes a fucking pussy...he couldnt hurt shit...he lies about EVERYTHING too...psh! fucking liar...cant stand him!!!

yesterday while he was driving, he had his hands down his pants and then stuck his hand in his mouth..thats fucking sick...and he has a big nose!

by Mike Oxlong April 19, 2004

7πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

captain morgan

A variant of the dirty sanchez, performed when one's female sex partner is on the rag. While engaged in sex from the rear position (either vaginal or anal - your choice), a finger is inserted in her bloody snatch and a red moustache is drawn on her face. Tasty!

I waited until our second date to explain the captain morgan to my girlfriend.

by Mike Oxlong April 9, 2004

36πŸ‘ 82πŸ‘Ž


The meatman...aka Andy stevenson.. also known as poncho meatman

THat guy is a fucking meatman he cleans the machines of blood and guts. A very degrading and worthless job..spit on him when you see him he works at meijer

by Mike Oxlong November 18, 2004

10πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž