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A creature that originates from the Orange Kingdom and worships the Orange King.

Did you see those MAGAdonians the other day drinking bud lights at Disney while calling conservatives RINOs?

by Mikey G6 June 3, 2023

19👍 16👎


Jerking off to a transvestite midget while a male escort watches.

Joey had a wild yakimg experience in Vegas. He woke up and had no clue what happened.

by Mikey G6 November 7, 2020


A white male who believes all men were created equal.

If Martin Luther King was white he would be a racist.

by Mikey G6 February 19, 2022

1👍 11👎


A gay cigarette.

I went to gay pride weekend and bought a pack of Iggy's.

by Mikey G6 November 23, 2020

Systematic Racism

When white liberals blame the evil white man for everything, usually for the problems that their failed policies created.

William: "Damn, my property taxes are going up a lot." Josh:"That's because of systematic racism." William:"But I'm white." Josh:"Then your a racist bastard" William:"You're white too. What are you." Josh:"I'm jewish, how dare you cause me of being a racist you Nazi."

by Mikey G6 March 19, 2021

19👍 10👎