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A boy called mike who plays teh bass and is loved by one and all on MX

Ya har har swab the deck... Ya har har swab it yourself

by Mikey P May 5, 2005

Tandem Titties

Tandem titties refers to two sets of titties in close proximity of one another such as two nude women hugging. Or two girls in bikinis with their titties touching. It can also be referred to a threesome when there is one man and two women.

"I got a great pic of some tandem titties on the boat last night!"

by Mikey P June 21, 2016

Crotch Wrench

An aggressive grabbing and wrenching motion to the crotch. Either through self infliction or by someone else.

"I was walking down the street and this random chick crotch wrenched my balls bro!"

"Don't make me crotch wrench your balls off, you remember what happen last time"

"I was riding my bicycle this morning and hit a huge pot hole...the seat totally crotch wrenched my vagina!"

by Mikey P June 21, 2016

Corn Hair

When your eating a hot chicks ass who is shaved smooth but find one or two random hairs on the anus.

She was so hot and smooth until I ran into a few corn hairs on dat ass!

by Mikey P June 15, 2016