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Indian Scalp Massage

When you spread peanut butter over your partner's hair and roll your dick around their hair until you cum all over the top of their head and let your semen drip down their face.

I was giving my girl the Indian scalp massage last night with "extra creamy peanut butter."

by Milan the dude April 22, 2015

Scandinavian Headlock

The act of a naked man wrapping his legs around a person's neck, causing them to suck his dick

Guy 1: Bra! Guess what I got to do last night with Sydney.
Guy 2: Don't tell me you already got a Scandinavian Headlock!
Guy 1: You guessed it bro.

by Milan the dude October 5, 2014

50👍 3👎

Cave man

The act of smashing a can of beer against your head until it explodes open for you to chug. Also known to some as detonator

The name is taken from cave men who would often hit themselves or others in the head with their clubs.

“He keeps trying to cave man the beer but it just won’t pop!”

by Milan the dude July 8, 2020

8👍 1👎