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Laila is a very loving, kind and extremely active girl. She is very funny when you get to know her and she will always stay by your side. She is very artistic.She is very smart and talented. She is everyone’s friend and she is the best friend in the universe. If you don’t have a Laila in your life, that should be your next goal because she is everything you’ll ever want. She is so funny that she will make you fall to the floor. She comforts you when you sad or sick and she will stand up if your getting bullied. She won’t let you give up. If you are in a dark room, Laila can easily fix that because of her bright smile. She is your partner in crime. She will help you with anything. She will do anything to help you. She cares so much about her family. Her smile is very contagious. You’ll fall in love with a Laila. She is perfect for everyone. She won’t let you down.

Look. That girl is sooooo perfect so she MUST BE A LAILA!

by Minty Fizzz March 25, 2019

22👍 2👎