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usage (noun)
A title claimed by many have-been hollywood types, wannabe doctors, and your regular garden variety hollywood "fitness" guru. There is no legal definition therefore allowing any charlatan to use it. Normally used to imply that the person has some knowledge on the science of biochemical reactions which occur in energy expenditure and metabolism as an organism converts food into usable energy-but notice they never use R.D. after their name, as they would be prosecuted for impersonating real scientists.

"Are you a nutritionist?"
"No, I'm a Registered Dietitian"
"what does that mean?"
"I have a degree in biochem and clinical training in the field in addition I don't wear spandex on TV"

by MintyLeila September 6, 2005

61πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Valsalva is a term describing the "bearing down" activity which occurs during sex which results in a sudden onset of amnesia for preventing the formation of new memories as well as complete loss of memory regarding the event during the maneuver. STudy to support this was done at John Hopkins and published in The Lancet.




"I commonly have episodes of valsalva...so I cannot really answer this question....I simply do not know."

by MintyLeila July 11, 2005

5πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

pop science

a term used to describe "scientific clinincal studies" which are never published nor are they accessible to other researchers but somehow "PROVE" something really shocking and amazing; the author's conclusion usually leads to a bold statement which states that everyone and their uncle henry needs to purchase their product.

"have you seen JAMA lately?"

"heck no, it's a little too 'pop science" nowadays....."

by MintyLeila July 11, 2005

15πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


usage: adjective or noun
refers to a woman who is of low class status in society and is known for gossiping and other activities which usually involve rumors, discords, etc.

"I'm so sick of her, she's such as chimiscolera! she needs a job!"

by MintyLeila June 20, 2005


this word is commonly used among hispanics to describe a parent or guardian who is too permissive and often leads to the child's or young person's demise or failure.

When chencha came home pregnant for the fourth time at age 16, her father told his wife 'you see, you insisted on letting her do anything she wants, this is what we get for being alcahuetes!"

by MintyLeila June 20, 2005

162πŸ‘ 97πŸ‘Ž

a vestir santos

spanish phrase which refers to a woman who never married and is of an advanced age, an old maid. It literally means "one who dresses saints." In the past when a woman was unmarried she often dedicated her time to her local church and its maintenance and so this term became adopted.

"so did Juanita finally get married?"

"No, era maricon, she's just you know, there, a vestir santos..."


by MintyLeila June 20, 2005

13πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

milli vanilli

term used to describe something which false, fraudulent or not truly disclosed in some way.

"great rolex!"
"it's not a real rolex, it's a milli vanilli"

by MintyLeila June 25, 2005

102πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž