Source Code

All Nighter

Remaining awake and actively engaged in some activity during nocturnal hours. The type of activity will differ and the typical person is usuall between 17-40 years old

"Did you study for the biochem final?"

"Totally---I was able to buy the book for the class yesterday and I pulled an "all nighter."

by MintyLeila July 23, 2005

436πŸ‘ 141πŸ‘Ž

fake sleepy sex

when you just can't sleep and you can't find anything better to do than suck on your lover's penis, but doing so gently enough to provide an erection without waking him up. Inevitably he wakes up but he's having such a good time he'll pretend he's asleep. If you look up he's got one eye open but may or may not continue to snore and may even shift positions to make things more easy to configure.

"so have you seen a doctor about your insomnia?"

"no, he said I should continue to provide sleepy sex until I pass out."

by MintyLeila June 18, 2005

77πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

acting white

A term used to describe the lax attitude white folk tend to put forth in uncomfortable and awkward social settings. Usually the settings will involve former lovers, spouses, but everyone will try really hard to be positively sugary nice to each other to be polite and overly-friendly.

"Can you believe my ex asked me if I'd like to have dinner with her and her new husband?"

"Damn dude, that's acting white, does she think you're gonna start acting white too?"

"she's definitely acting white..."

by MintyLeila June 18, 2005

36πŸ‘ 128πŸ‘Ž

crunchy money

this term describes monetary bills of variable denominations which have been earned by one who is dancing at the time the bills are placed onto the dancer's body. As a result the sweat from the dancer's body will be absorbed into the bills and if not pulled straight while still damp, will result in a heaps of crunchy money. Typically the bills will contain phone numbers and will be fold lengthwise as to facilitate placement into various crevices created by the dancer's shapely physiological components.

"did you go to the ATM?"

"no, but I worked last night, so I've got lots a crunchy money"

by MintyLeila June 18, 2005

61πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


A slang phrase often used by Mexican people which means "ditto" or "exactly."

"I see, so you want to buy the red car right?"

"ecole-qua! how much bro?"

by MintyLeila June 20, 2005

12πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

ano del caldo

slang term used by Mexican and Mexican Americans to describe somthing that is outdated and antiquated. Literally (or cliterally) means "year of the stew." The underlying idea is that anyone who heard this would ask "Year of the stew? when was that?" and the reply would be, "so so long ago, no one remembers..."

"Karina stared in horror at the purple sequins skirts we had been given to wear and she said 'these skirts?! these are from el ano del caldo!"

by MintyLeila June 20, 2005

38πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


the act of impersonating an actual real employee by the implementation of various technological devices and equipment. the telecommuter is actually home laughing at his colleagues and will occasionally send an email to the office or provide an added view on a topic which no one remembers discussing.

I can't believe some people get paid the same as I do to stay home.....I better start telecommuting too!

by MintyLeila July 7, 2005

13πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž