Source Code


Said either jokingly or when someone's honestly annoyed with you. Means GO THE HELL AWAY because I HATE YOU. Or, simply, eff you. Similar to WHATEVER or EFF OFF

Karm: Dude your boyfriend's effing hot.
Sue: Screw you.

by Miss AnGie January 20, 2003

1379👍 461👎


Simply adorable but in the utmost dorky way. Cute. Silly. Funny. Spiff.

Oh that AnGie is SO adorkable!

by Miss AnGie January 20, 2003

382👍 132👎

eff off

Go the hell away. Same meaning as WHATEVER and SCREW YOU. Said mostly jokingly or when someone is annoyed.

Karm: Eff off, you annoying POS.
Sue: *cry*

by Miss AnGie January 20, 2003

60👍 30👎


When said in an annoyed tone, it means EFF OFF or SCREW YOU

Karm: You look fat in that dress.

by Miss AnGie January 20, 2003

86👍 48👎


simply fantastic!

Wow AnGie's so simplitastic!!

by Miss AnGie January 21, 2003

2👍 5👎