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Wasted on the young

Youth is the most beautiful thing in this world .. what a pity it has to be wasted on little shits

by Miss Beachy October 30, 2019

16πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


The pinnacle of doom

Have you been on YouTube lately? OMG the kids comments are insipid and they get 600 likes! ..

oh and the spelling and grammar is appalling and I end like a schoolteacher correcting them... millenials are the pinnacle of DOOM..

by Miss Beachy November 1, 2019

14πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž


Faux cop

Why does this cop not know anything about the law and heҀ™s giving me charges for fake crimes with a badge that looks like it could be from a kids dress ups box?

Oh I know...heҀ™s a fop!

by Miss Beachy November 14, 2019

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

YouTube comments


YouTube comments 2019

by Miss Beachy October 30, 2019

12πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


The act of making a very young and very fluffy puppy the fluffiest possible like ever after traumatic emotionally fucking bath aka damages suit? and a blow and brush.. sounds slutty! And coke addicted but no.. it's the act of grooming a puppy.. a flufferisement! 🐢

Sorry I'm running late it's just Lulu was reluctant today to succumb to her weekly flufferisement.. the little thing doesn't realise she's a poodle yet! Bless her.. (mummy thinking get used to it precious! It's better than heroin chic clandestine junkie Baby hair matting! Sign of a bad mummy.. unfit for puppyhood.. because Lab culture.. it's so groundbreaking

by Miss Beachy June 30, 2023